Tuesday 30 March 2010

3 Crucial Parts Of The Web Design Jigsaw

Web design is deceivingly simple these days with so many templates available online. While cutting and pasting to put images up is easy, making a website that people will want to visit is an entirely different matter.

Always Satisfy Your Clients

There are three areas of focus for those building their first site and of course the most important is understanding and meeting the customer's needs. While it is an online business, budding designers should not fall prey to attempting to cover everything via email. Take the time to meet with the customer if at all possible and if not, certainly talk by phone during the design process. Meeting a customer's needs and timeframes is critical.

Always Listen To Your Clients Speicifc Requirements

While web design is the creator's area of expertise, there is a tendency among creative people to be a little less than patient with those who do not share their vision. Even if the customer is clueless regarding design elements, he or she knows their customer base. The successful designer will listen and invoke marketing 101 to determine the demographics of those likely to visit the site.

All of the graphic and web bells and whistles in the world will have no impact if they do not first appeal to the web client and second, appeal to the customer base. While it may seem boring or dated to the designer, some sites really do not need lots of flash capabilities nor do they need images that are edgy and provocative. Simple text and easy to use features may be all that is needed for a site used primarily by an older population or for an educational site for those who have limited reading or language abilities.

Make Sure You Can Communicate Effectivily With Your Clients

On the other hand a web designer will exert his or her expertise when it comes to gently guiding the client regarding those things that will chase away a customer from the site. Some small businesses have used the same logo or design or mascot type character for years and may feel that this item should be the theme of the website. While this might indeed be the case, there are some mascots and catch phrases that are so tired or so terribly rendered that they will cause a problem for new visitors. In this case, the designer may either suggest a revamped version or if the object is sentimental, it can strategically positioned in a less obtrusive area of the site.

The key to successful web design relationships between customer and client is an open and communicative relationship. Each brings their special expertise to the table and each should be given equal consideration. However, in the end, the client is paying the freight and the designer should cede to his or her wishes, or sever the working relationship.